You do not know 11 Diet Mistakes careful not to step on mine -part 2-殭屍鴿

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weight loss is our lifelong career, but mistakenly fall but will make people more harm than good diet misunderstanding Oh! Edit summarizes 11 common weight loss myths, quick follow us look at it!






Nutritional Protein can help you lose weight?

Nutritional Protein Drink can help you lose weight, unless you put it replace meals. The trouble is that ruthless and more dieters will add them to the list in daily food, so will actually gain weight (which is fitness to practice drinking protein causes muscle). If you want to add to your meal nutrition protein alone, went to sugar and relatively short list of ingredients. Occasionally a cup, or sometimes banned meals, can help you lose weight.





high-protein foods are the best Cellulite food?

Although protein is very important for the process of weight loss, but do not order it and reduce the intake of other food components (eg carbohydrates), so that your body may be due to too eager Carbohydrates and gluttony meal. Moreover, you will miss carbohydrate contains fiber, vitamins and minerals,lv2013新款包目錄, but also may be due to excessive intake of protein and fat which causes high cholesterol and triglycerides.

Remember, a balanced diet is the diet of the king! The average intake of protein, carbohydrate and fat can make you have a sense of satiety, and reduce the chance of overeating.





vowed never to eat your favorite fatty foods?

There is no reason you want to lose weight and vowed never to eat pizza,You do not know 11 Diet Mistakes careful not to step on mine -part 2, chocolate and potato chips, but finally bear to eat special food? In the process of losing weight, use extreme methods usually do not get good results. Self-control is the key to weight loss, you can still enjoy your favorite Black Forest cake, but you can put half of a friend, or the remaining half to eat tomorrow, so that you can reduce the intake of each.



eat after eight pm, it will become a big fat?

eat at a certain time not suddenly turn you into fat, like after midnight you will not suddenly turn into a pumpkin the same. This weight loss version of the Cinderella legend has always existed, and do not blindly believe!
Do not rush at 7:59 crazy to swallow a lot of food, no matter what time to eat, fat is fat, eat more and still be fat! Really about is that you in the end what to eat into the stomach, why eat at night will be fat, because we usually eat in the evening a very high calorie snacks (potato chips, ice cream, pizza and other junk food), these Food greatly exceeded your daily calorie needs, eat more naturally become fat.




not eat before exercise can burn fat faster?


movement will usually burn off your glycogen (carbohydrate) reserves, when glycogen depleted, the body will start burning fat. If you do exercise on an empty stomach, can indeed immediately to burn fat,lv2013新款包目錄, but after exercise, you will because ornament goblet Asahara б sulfur unloading and career lettuce drop neon Cheng Mei strontium cough stuffy enough to stop the real curse sleeping mat Zhuo basis? br /> energy in calories come from Birmingham University study compared two groups of cyclists, a group exercise before eating, another group of fasting before exercise. A group of fasted lack of energy, so the intensity and speed are set smaller than eating. Finally a group of eating more calories burned. Like a machine, we need fuel to function, and thus to achieve the best performance. So, hurry up before exercise, find something to eat.




weekend to relax, eat what you can?

If you're math is good enough, you should know that "anything can be eaten," the Friday to the day, month, add up to a total of twelve days (almost half!) . At the end of the balanced diet, healthy living, etc. beliefs into the cloud, but will ruin your whole week weight loss program. End of their living irrational, you can be a good plan, for example, reward yourself to eat a little snack, or a few glasses of wine is like a small.



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